In between this all round pilgrimage visit, we decided to visit someplace different. No matter how many hill stations you have been to, nature always has a way to fascinate. And that’s how kodaikanal came to our minds as it was nearer to Pazhani.

We had to wait for nearly 8 and a half hours at the Madurai bus stop, which adds to one of the worst experiences we had. Staring at everyone leaving for their buses early and desperately looking at the bus stand entrance at midnight only to see nothing, by the time the bus finally came, add on top of that non-stop rains, I could merely remember anything and pretty sure was literally looking like a drug addict.

Even though the bus probably traveled through some pretty steep roads, filled with rocks, I didn’t give a single damn about anything and dozed off the minute after the bus started travelling upwards.

The only thing I remember waking me up was the cold winds passing through and me hitting into the window glass.

Right after we landed on the bus stop, we were surrounded by taxi drivers and travel agents like paparazzi. Anytime they see anyone with something bigger than a carry bag inside the bus stop, they will pounce on you with every speech they have practiced in their entire lives.

Kodaikanal is a hill station located in the Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu. Apparently this place is also called ‘princess of hill stations’.

This place definitely reminded me of the old Eastman colour movies where there is white smoke added every time there is a song sequence. And I actually used to believe that as a kid. Now imagine that same thing but instead of smoke, its clouds everywhere, constantly moving from here to there. One moment you can see the view from anywhere and the very next instant, it turns blurry.



From the old colonial ruins throughout the way, dense forests appearing on both sides of the road once the city vanishes, the panoramic view of the plains from CROAKER’S VALLEY, a blissful walk by the KODAI LAKE, getting to relish the famous home-made chocolates, being surrounded by unique and warm coloured flowers in the BRYANT PARK, all the beautiful sceneries that we got to witness in between, everything added a lot more to this wholesome journey. But unfortunately we couldn’t get a clear view of a lot of places due to the fog, but walking around in the roads as the clouds pass through your face is definitely something worth remembering for.


Thank you for reading. See you until next time :)


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