Danish Siddiqui : Capturing the truth


Just this morning, I got to know through one of my friends about the passing away of  photojournalist Danish Siddiqui in the line of duty. I didn't exactly remember who he was until I saw one his photographs covering the Covid-19 phase and the Delhi Anti-CAA riots in New Delhi, India and recognized quickly. 
His photographs delivered a devastating impact with an unspeakable language. His Images were beautiful (not in a good way) and grotesque, capable of making anyone numb and emotional.
He tried showing us a struggling side of humanity that many of us ignored and still continue to do so. He showed us a dystopian reality that unfortunately, we are moving towards.

When we were all worried about whether we will be able to continue with the postponed trip or attend that friend's wedding or how badly we wanted to this pandemic to end while sitting under concrete, air-conditioned roofs and scrolling through our smartphones, his photographs crushed all the privilege and ignorance left in the us; well atleast in some of us.
(image source : https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/obituary-reuters-photographer-danish-siddiqui-captured-people-behind-story-2021-07-16/)

Even though not many of us would have known much about him if not for this unfortunate news, looking though his work feels like losing someone we knew; not because he is an award winning journalist, but because of the work he did, regardless of the glory and danger that came with it.

We will all die one day, but not many of us would have lived like him.
Rest in Power !


  1. "Not all battles are fought for victory-some are fought to tell the world that someone was there on the battlefield"- Ravish Kumar

    1. True that ! So grateful that we still have humans that show us other side of the world.

  2. Good Article. Congratulations for the new blog. Keep blogging. All the best.

  3. Simply but at the same time well-written article. I like the way you write. Without mixing any politics, you wrote very nicely. Keep it up... if I have time, sure, I will come again to your blog.

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    FYI: I just came to know about your blog thru Mr.Venkatji Blog.

    1. Hi. Thankyou so much for your kind words and encouragement . It really means a lot :). Since I am new to this platform , I am starting to learn about the site. I will definitely add the followers' gadgets. You are always welcome here :)


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